December 16

Ultimate Success Masterclass Vs Mind Movies Matrix: The Ultimate Guide


Two programs that have gained immense popularity in the realm of personal development and self-improvement are the Ultimate Success Masterclass and Mind Movies Matrix.

These programs are best known for their transformative power to propel people who are in their pursuit of personal growth toward their goals. Both programs promise to unlock the secrets to success and empower you to manifest your dreams, but which one truly delivers on its promises?

In this article, we will delve deeper into the intricacies of each to discern their efficacy and help you decide which program is best for you.

Let’s get started, shall we?

What is the Ultimate Success Masterclass?

Ultimate Success Masterclass is an online coaching program created by Natalie Ledwell, delivered through a collaborative training session.

The program is based on fields like neuroscience, psychology, the law of attraction, and personal growth and helps you achieve your goals in life through a step-by-step plan. The program is delivered in the form of video demonstrations, eBooks, audio tracks, worksheets plus many other bonuses.

On the program, Natalie will take you through one module after another and give you the feedback and support you need to help you achieve great results.

The good thing about this program is that it has a private member forum where you can learn more about it by getting feedback and sharing your results with people who have the same desires as yours.

Now that you know what is the ultimate success masterclass, let’s get to know what other people who have enrolled in the program have to say about it…

Ultimate Success Masterclass: Is it a Scam or Legit?

Let’s answer one of your burning questions: Is Ultimate Success Masterclass Scam or Legit?

Well, here is what other people who have used this program before have got to say about it:

A huge thank you for all the help and inspiration Natalie, and to your crew as well. I have had many positive changes to my health and I am going to start with a new career goal next! It is truly an excellent program, and I have been doing this type of thing since 1980. Thanks again for your kindness, flexibility, and gentleness as I worked my way through the modules. Bravo!”

– Maggie Meredith

“Thank you so much for your program, I have to say, yours is the most inspirational of all programs or products that I have come across. I love the whole thing, the community, your ongoing support, the USM product, the mind movies, the forum – I could go on but suffice it to say I love, love, love, EVERYTHING. I am thrilled beyond words to have stumbled upon you on Facebook and I think you and U.S.M is what I have needed to get myself out of the financial rut that I’ve found myself in.”

– Sonia Kelleher

“I am beginning my second round of USM today! It was very powerful and helpful in so many ways. It helped me so much that I can’t begin to express it in words. What a blessing to start the New Year in new circumstances, without the heavy heart that I carried for years? I look forward now to powerful changes in my own life, and the realization of my dreams as I go through USM again. Many, many thanks for all the energy and love you put into this course, guiding so many people. And most of all, for being accessible to me for personal contact and communication.”

– Lena

Who Is Ultimate Success Masterclass Meant for?

Ultimate Success Masterclass

The Ultimate Success Masterclass program is for you if you dream big and you want to realize those dreams if you want to make an impact on your life and those around you. Also, if you are a hard worker but not achieving the success you desire despite all your trials, this program is for you.

Through the Ultimate Success Masterclass, Natalie demonstrates to you how to navigate the roadblocks in your life and helps you do things that work. All this is meant to help you achieve the goals you set.

Who Is The Ultimate Success Masterclass Program Not For?

Well, of course, the program is not meant for everyone. Therefore, you are better off staying away from enrolling in the program if you:

  • You are not ready to commit yourself to it from the beginning to the end.
  • Are not ready to welcome life-changing personal growth.
  • Don’t feel like stepping outside your comfort zone and realizing your dreams.
  • Are not ready to connect with people who have already enrolled in the program.

How Does The Ultimate Success Masterclass Work?

The program is created to help you change your mindset so that you can achieve your dreams.

It starts by allowing you to set goals and intentions that you want to achieve as you progress with the course. You will also pick an area of your life where you want to improve like business, relationship, career, finance or health, and more.

The best thing is to pick one area and stick to it. You are also allowed to redo the course if you have multiple goals to achieve.

What Are The Ultimate Success Masterclass Learning Modules?

Ultimate Success Masterclass review

Here are the 12 modules covered by The Ultimate Success Masterclass:

MODULE 1: Creating an Abundant Vibration

MODULE 2: Setting a Powerful Intention

MODULE 3: Creating Empowering Affirmations

MODULE 4: Activating the Law Of Attraction

MODULE 5: Taking Inspired Action

MODULE 6: Eliminating Your Limiting Beliefs

MODULE 7: Defining Your Core Values

MODULE 8: Finding Your Passions

MODULE 9: Breaking Through Your Challenges

MODULE 10: Using Your Thoughts & Language For Success

MODULE 11: Staying Connected To Source

MODULE 12: Putting It All Together

The Pros and Cons of Ultimate Success Masterclass

The Pros

  • The program will help you know what it takes to become successful from what you put in your mind.
  • The course is easy and simple to follow and understand.
  • You will also learn to connect with people through the private member’s forum.

The cons

  • You have to commit yourself to the course to achieve great results

Mind Movies Matrix: What Is It?

Mind Movies Matrix

The Mind Movies Matrix is a coaching program by Natalie Ledwell that employs the concept of a vision board to help you take advantage of creative visualization methods to achieve your life plans.

The program features sets of videos and audio tracks related to various areas of your interest meant to help you focus on achieving your goals in life by just listening to the audio tracks and videos.

An Honest Opinion About This Program

I am not going to sugar-coat things in this Mind Movies Matrix review, instead, I will share my honest views of what the program has for you in store.

Important: If you aren’t able to concentrate on your personal growth due to being too busy or you are just depressed, then you will most likely not get the breakthrough outcome you desire regardless of your efforts and hard work.

Thankfully, Mind Movies Matrix technology will reprogram your subliminal mind so that you can focus on the important areas of your life.

Note that the subliminal mind is very powerful when you want to create your genuineness. The good thing is that after doing her research, Natalie Ledwell discovered this program which could help reprogram your mind for success and reality creation

How Does Mind Movies Matrix Work?

mind movies matrix reviews

The Mind Movies Matrix is a coaching program by Natalie Ledwell that employs the concept of a vision board to help you take advantage of the creative visualization method to achieve your life plans. The program features sets of video and audio tracks related to your area of interest meant to help you focus on achieving your goals in life by just listening to the audio tracks and video.

How Does Mind Movies Matrix Work?

The Mind Movies Matrix offers three different audio and video guides on each area of your focus. You need to watch one video in the morning and listen to the audio track when falling asleep.

There are different videos and audio recordings for each area of focus which could be related to making money and more. When you watch these videos and listen to the audio regularly, you will be able to co-opt and visualize distinct approaches and affirmations to help you achieve your day-to-day goals in life.

What Will You Get In Your Mind Movies Matrix Program?

Here are the things you will get in this program:

  • 4x Brainwave Entertainment Matrix Mind Movies.
  • 4x Subliminal Matrix Mind Movies.
  • 4x 60-Minute Subliminal Audios
  • 1x Soothing Sleep Meditation Audio

What Are The Key Areas Of Your Life That Mind Movies Matrix Promote?

The key areas of your life that the Mind Movies Matrix promotes include:

  • Manifesting wealth & success Matrix Mind Movie set: This set endows you with the behaviors of the wealthiest people and eradicates the beliefs and behaviors that are making you not achieve your goals.
  • Improving & deepening relationships Matrix Mind Movie set: This set empowers you with more empathy and positivity when it comes to co-relating with your spouse, kids, and family members.
  • Weight loss & optimum health Matrix Mind Movie set: This set erases unhealthy habits and empowers you with healthy eating habits as well as maintaining healthy living.
  • Defining or cultivating the perfect partner Matrix Mind Movie set: This set cultivates you to become the ideal partner and brings joy to your relationship.

Who Is Mind Movies Program For?

The Mind Movies Matrix is a program for anyone who wants to boost their manifestations.

It is a digital self-development program that helps you to begin reprogramming your mind and getting rid of roadblocks that are stopping you from achieving your goals. It is a program for all people of all ages.

Is Mind Movies Matrix Legit or Scam?

Let’s see some testimonials from people who have used this program…

I’ve been watching/listening to the “Mind Movies Matrix” for a couple of weeks now and I really feel like I CAN DO ANYTHING!!!

“I just would like to Thank YOU ALL for creating “Mind Movies Matrix” – I LOVE IT!! I also purchased “Mind Movies” previously and I believe “Mind Movies Matrix” has got everything I need and believe it is going to help me change some limiting beliefs!!

I’d LOVE to INSPIRE others and let them know that I’ve been watching/listening to the “Mind Movies Matrix” for a couple of weeks now and I really feel like I CAN DO ANYTHING!! For me … it’s really about feeling “worthy/deserving” and trusting that financial abundance is here NOW and more is ALWAYS on it’s way to me! I AM now taking the action – I started in January. Thanks again to all of you for your passion for helping people with all these great tools!

– Karen Golday

I love the subliminal for the evening, and I sleep like a baby!

“I love the Mind Movies Matrix! I just started watching the videos and using the subliminal, but I can already feel a difference in my mood and level of excitement! I love the subliminal for the evening, & I sleep like a baby! Looking forward to more results the longer I make this part of my everyday life!

– Ana Meeker

I have just had one complete calendar month at work without a day off sick – my first in six months.

“Imagine me dancing and singing this… I’ve done it, I’m happy, I’m proud of myself! I have just had one complete calendar month at work without a day off sick – my first in six months. I’m feeling fitter, healthier, and slimmer (I’ve dropped a dress size and about 10kg with it). Releasing weight was not my primary goal. I just wanted my health back. I don’t know for sure how much I have released as I haven’t weighed myself but I feel GREAT!!! I love me. I thank me, making the required dietary changes has been so easy. Thank you Mind Movies, Morry, and tapping.”

– Lisa Eden

The Pros and Cons of Mind Movies Matrix

The Pros

  • The Mind Movies Matrix is created based on the latest technology – subliminal audio and messaging, brainwave entertainment, and sleep meditations.
  • Comes with quality features and many bonuses.
  • 1-year money-back assurance.
  • With the program, you don’t have to create a vision board from scratch.
  • It’s easily accessible via mobile devices, Mac or PC.
  • You can listen to the audio tracks and videos while traveling.
  • Helps to increase your chances of success in different areas of your life such as relationships, business, and money.
  • Helps to rewire your mind for success.
  • Enhances your manifestation process.

The Cons

  • It is only accessible in digital format.
  • You will have to be consistent to get great results.
  • The results are not similar.

The Bottom Line

The two programs – Ultimate Success Masterclass and Mind Movies Matrix are incredible programs to help you improve your relationships, boost your lifestyle, and get creative on the ways you use to make money.

The programs are all meant to help you achieve your dreams and become the kind of person you want to be.

Have you enrolled in any of these programs before? If not, what are you waiting for?

Enroll in one of these programs that best


Testimonials included here of people who have used the programs are not meant to guarantee or promise you that you will realize the same results. Your success will depend on your commitment, dedication, desire, and motivation. This is to help you make a decision based on the right expectations.

Also, if you’ve decided to buy the two products I’ve reviewed here you should understand that the results you obtain from using them depend on multiple things. Although you might be able to find people who’ve got great results from using these programs, it’s hard to predict what your specific results will be. Most importantly, before you purchase any of the two programs, ensure to do enough research so that you can make an informed decision.

Our Recommended Programs

Ultimate Success Masterclass 2.0 Webinar

Natalie Ledwell, personal development guru and bestselling author, wants to share her secrets to success with you in a free online training session. Not only will she shed light on how she overcame her financial struggles, but she will also teach you how you can do the same exact thing that she did. You will even go through a guided exercise that will tap into your subconscious mind to dissolve any limiting beliefs you may have around money and prosperity.Plus she’s bringing on the amazing Mary Morrissey to share her wisdom with you too!

Go here to grab your seat while they last:

Mind Movies Matrix Webinar

Many people believe that once we hit a certain age, our personality becomes so ingrained that it’s impossible to change.But with the power of the latest Neuroscience, you CAN reprogram your mind.

Discover how to use this, and many other fascinating mind hacks to your advantage here!

After you click on the link above, you’ll discover how to rise above any sort of challenges and self-sabotage you’re facing in your finances, career, and overall well-being.

(Free Download) 100 Success Affirmations

To give you a helping hand, my friend Natalie Ledwell of Mind Movies (the creator ofthe most popular visualization software on the planet) createda very special gift that’s going to help you reprogram your mind so that you can manifest fast!It’s a downloadable PDF with 100 powerful Success & Abundance Affirmations,and it’s totally free!All you need to do is pick one affirmation each day and repeat it out loud as many timesas you can. Through repetition, you’ll be reprogramming your subconscious mind to think froman abundance and success mindset!

Remember that your thoughts create your reality. 😉

Your FREE Manifesting Amplifier Visualization Exercise (inside!)

Wow! You’ve got to try this…Listen to this Manifesting Amplifier Visualization Exercise before bed as much as you can (especially if you’ve been feeling dragged down or uninspired) –

And you’ll instantly raise your vibration and amplify your creation power so that you automaticallymanifest anything you want starting as soon as you sleep tonight!

And the best part?You don’t need to be awake to receive its blessings, and, it’s free!

Go here now to download your free Manifesting Amplifier Visualization Exerciseso that you can create, be & achieve anything!

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