May 15

11 Rules To Game Of Life And Play To Win!

“You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.” – Albert Einstein

Playing the Game of Life is entertaining, but what is it all about? The Game of Life depicts the life cycle of an adult entering or leaving college. The Life cards provide points for specific behaviors, and players must make life and moral decisions along the way.

Rules to game of life

Life, like all other games, is a game. The only distinction is that life is the only game we are not aware of being a game. Each of us has created, mostly subconsciously, a set of rules (our values) based on our worldview and beliefs, and we believe these rules are just and naturally true. And everyone else’s is incorrect. 



Rules to game of life

Before digging deeper into the rules of living life as a game, let’s take a quick look at what life requires of each of us on a daily basis. These prerequisites are necessary for living your life to the fullest extent of fulfillment and happiness. These are the non-negotiables that must be completely acknowledged and accepted before proceeding. To put it another way, you must truly agree with the following assertions before you can begin to change your rules for playing the game of life.


To be successful in life, you must follow these directions to game of life:

  • Recognizing that the outcomes of your life are a direct mirror of your regular thoughts, words, and actions.
  • Choosing your own route rather than the one chosen for you by others.
  • Committing to something valuable. This is your greater mission, often known as your personal tale.
  • Committing to everyday improvement and learning from experience, other people, errors, and failure.
  • Taking advantage of possibilities to advance your life in a positive direction.
  • Accepting complete responsibility for your life, choices, decisions, and actions, without whining, blaming, or making excuses.
  • Developing curiosity on a daily basis.
  • Inquiring into your life, concerns, and situations in a variety of thought-provoking and illuminating ways.
  • Maintaining mental flexibility and being open to new viewpoints, ideas, and opinions.
  • Relaxing, unwinding, and having fun is one of the finest methods to succeed at Game of Life. You may discover that when you concentrate on having fun and connecting with your friends/family instead of winning, you win more easily. That, however, is just a personal experience.


These are the prerequisites for enjoying life to the fullest. By recognizing and adopting these concepts, you will place yourself in an ideal mental state that will change how you think about your life and surroundings. Only then will you be completely prepared to grasp and integrate the basic principles of living life as a game.


The Bottom Line for Rules to Game of Life

Always keep in mind that we created up the rules, even if we did so unwittingly and mostly through the influence of our society and our parents, and that we are the ones who have to live by them to test our luck for success. We may recall that events have no intrinsic value when we do so, and the sorrow and suffering that arise from “losing at the game of life” can be instantly dissipated on the spot as a consequence.


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