August 27

How To Find Life Partner Name By Numerology, Part 1

This is a part 1 series on how to find your life partner name by numerology. Numerology life partner dedicates a lot of attention to the matters of heart. By taking a look and the name and birthday numerological indices of you and your partner, you can find out a lot of vital information that can help you construct a long-lasting relationship. Let’s take a look at how numerology life partner can help you regain confidence in your love life and use the potential of numbers to build a happy relationship.

How to Find Out Your Numerology Life Partner Compatibility

Who among us does not dream of meeting the one person with whom they will spend their whole life? And how not to make a mistake in choosing a partner in life? Numerology figures can give you the answers to these questions. This method is also crucial for the study of the compatibility of a couple who are already married, since it allows us to also determine the how life can be improved in an existing union.

There are two ways you can check your compatibility. One is to use numerology by name only, where the compatibility of your name numbers is taken into account. You can do it by the following link. The other way is to do a few simple calculations.

All these calculations for the compatibility of partners can be made by the date of birth. First find your own birth number, and then the birth number of your loved one or a potential partner. This is done simply. Add together the number, month and year of birth.

For example: you were born on March 20, 1971. 20 + 3 + 1971 = 1994. That’s right: we add numbers, not figures, in contrast to the common methodology of numerology by the date of birth. Next, we add the numbers of the obtained number to each other: in our case, this is the 1994 number. We get 1 + 9 + 9 + 4 = 23. Next, we add the numbers of the obtained number to each other until we bring it to a single value: 2 + 3 = 5. The number of your birth 5. (Note: not the date of birth, but the numerological value of the date of birth).

The values ​​of numbers determine whether you are suited to each other or it is better to look for other partners to be together with.

The “1s”

1.”1s” like to be the bosses, they are independent and achieve great success. Despite all your independence, you fall in love at first sight, and it happens quite often. You need to be more careful: after all, you only seem to be a strong person, but in fact you are very vulnerable. The best choice for you is the one with a sharp mind, good taste and sparkling wit. You are able to be independent under certain circumstances, but, nevertheless, you always want to have a person whom you can rely on in difficult situations. Most of all, you will get along with a partner of the birth numbers of 2, 8, 9.

The “2s”

2.”2s” are reliable partners with whom it is easy to do business. They are tactful and diplomatic. At the same time, you are very shy and avoid novelty, it is difficult for you to take the first step. This is dictated by the fear of making a mistake. It’s hard for a partner to know you better at first. But if you feel reliability in a partner, your soul reveals itself as tender. You appreciate the attention that your partner gives you. An inexpensive gift will surprise you much more because of the effort and not the price. However, you can check out a good place like a jewelry store in huntington, ny for some of the best unforgettable gifts that shine as brightly as your bond. The list of your priorities is dominated by honest relationships, good manners, and, of course, sex. You can explore Secret By Me to enhance your intimacy and relationships with your partner. But, before all, you need the feeling that you are loved. Most of all, a partner with the number of birth 1, 2, 9 will suit you. 2 and 6 also get along well.

The “3s”

3. The “3” people give joy, like to have fun, adore adventure and independence. You are romantic and tend to look at the world through pink glasses. You worship your chosen one and unconditionally trust them in everything. Anyone who wants to captivate you must have a living mind and be able to charm. You love to have supper with candles, feel light romantic touches, walk along the seashore. Meeting with new people gives you joy. You like to shop. It’s good if your partner learns to share your interests. Most people who suit you will have the number of birth 6 and 9. You also get along well with “3s” and “5s”.

The “4s”

4. “4s” are firmly on their feet. They are disciplined, practical and do not give themselves a rest at work. They prefer to avoid rash actions. Home, the family for them is the most important thing in life. You are practical and prefer to communicate with people straightforward. Your partner must have the same value system as you. Both must be personalities, interesting to each other. Not every affair leads you to marriage. But this is not important for you. You must be sure that this love is for a long time and feel safe. You like traditional courtship, you are not afraid to seem old-fashioned. But this does not apply to intimate relationships, here you are free and uninhibited.The most suitable partner for you would be with a birth number of 4 and 8. Often “4s” create families with “2s”.

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The “5s”

5. “5s” love freedom and are always in motion, learning the unknown and doing two things at once. The frivolity of early youth goes away, and over the years you become more serious and more solid. You are in your spirit an adventurer, and you need a person next to you who is not afraid of chasing luck. You love the change of circumstances and travel. A partner who likes to experience everything new and discover the big world will be ideal for you. The most suitable person for you will be a person with the number of births 1 and 7. For a family business or marriage, try to find “8s”, who like to take on responsibility.

The “6s”

6. “6s” are very responsible people. They are good parents. You will give your heart to a sincere and honest person. You easily get attached to a person who seems sincere, but if they do not share your views on the fidelity and firmness of the family, then your relationship will not develop. You generously endow love to your chosen one, but the partner must be devoted and be able to love. The most suitable people for you are with a birth number of 6, 8, 9 and 2 (for marriage).

The “7s”

7. “7s” are thinkers. They are smart, but not stubborn. Such people know how to listen, but they analyze everything and do not take for a fact every information they get. When you fall in love, you carefully hide your feelings and do not tell strangers about them. For you, love is an invaluable gift that should not be revealed to public. You like long intimate conversations with the chosen one, who attracts you both spiritually and physically and can ignite your imagination. But at the same time, you love independence and do not want to be tied to a partner who seeks to subordinate you to their will. The most suitable partners for you will be those with a birth number of 1, 7, 9 and 2.

The “8s”

8. The “8” people are well-organized, take responsibility and are constantly engaged in a certain business. Sometimes you think that you can live well without love. But everything changes if you have met a beautiful companion who is showering you with compliments. For you, their appearance is not important. You are attracted to the mind, the sense of humor and vitality. The best partner for you is someone who knows how to work hard and loves exciting life situations, just like you. The most suitable partner for you is one with a birth number of 1, 6, 8. The leadership qualities of “1s” are admired by the “8s”.

The “9s”

9. “Nines” are kind and grateful people, also very active. Despite the fact that you can fall in love with people of very different types, your choice will stop at a single one. You like being in love, but you do not always share your intimate thoughts with your lover. You are straightforward in your feelings. You are attracted by creative natures, capable of compassion. But they will have to accept your way of life, otherwise your relationship will come to an end. The more suitable partners will be those with a birth number of 1,3,6,7,9. “9s” like other “9s”, and the numerologists say it is a match made in heaven.

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Conclusion for numerology compatibility

Overall, the compatibility is the main numerological criterion for every couple. If you use a numerology calculator for names and date of birth online, you can easily find out about your own compatibility with your partner. But there are other important numerological indicators for your common future together, about which you can find out from part 2 of this article.

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