May 7

12 Mindfulness Meditation Tips and Tools

A persons’ life is a series of three stages namely; past, present, and future. The buried past and the envisioned future are generated through your thinking process. Meditation helps you to focus your mind on the present. This is where the problem arises. You cannot control your thinking process. You are trying to control your mind. Thoughts will barge in, but all you have to do is go back, again and again. This requires practice.

Tune your life by following a few simple steps of meditation. The first and foremost important thing is to find a quiet corner of the house where you can step into another world of thought. Sit in a comfortable position on your yoga mat so that no pain can distract you. It is important to sit vigilantly so that you may not doze off while finding your peace. Then, close your eyes and breathe rhythmically. You may count the inhaling and exhaling initially. This helps to normalize your breathing, relaxing you to the core. Your mind may start concentrating on things that are in your sub-consciousness. Sometimes, you may drift off but then start focusing on breathing again. It is perfectly fine to feel that way.

The main purpose of mindfulness is to know your internal conflicts. The main training is to recognize your internal state. Breathing just helps you to know how many times you have drifted off. With constant meditation, you are teaching your brain to focus on yourself.

Mindfulness Meditation Tips

Some mindfulness meditation tips that can make meditation effective include:

  • Setting a timer helps keep track of time.
  • Initially, meditate for 10 minutes and gradually increase but don’t push yourself beyond your comfort point.
  • Starting with Yoga or some stretching exercise will stimulate blood flow to the mind. This will activate your senses that will enhance meditating.
  • Practice meditation regularly.
  • Try to look in yourself. Try to find answers from yourself. For example, when you are angry, question yourself “why are you angry?” Most of the answers lie within ourselves, we just had to discover it.
  • Close your eyes and imagine your body and your mind.
  • Get used to the environment. This will help you focus better.
  • Practice this without distractions from electronic gadgets.
  • Never give up
  • It is not a miracle, magic happens with time.
  • Don’t judge, just observe yourself.
  • As meditation ends, slowly open your eyes.

Everyone has a different way of meditating. To experience mindfulness, I prefer to have my personal space where no one is around. I switch off my lights and with a faint light, I indulge myself in peaceful prayer. This helps me to connect my soul with God and tell all my worries to Him. It helps me to be thankful for all the things in my present. Ultimately, I start focusing on my present more than the future and past.

More apps, podcasts, subscriptions, or tips

1. Knowledge

Precise knowledge is important to meditate. That can be obtained from google search as it is a world of knowledge. YouTube channels such as Meditation Relax Music and Meditation and Healing are few options to look for while meditating. They enlighten you with techniques and steps to meditate with perfection. Moreover, it is easier to track time with YouTube videos. These helped me get started. Mantras can be one way of meditating.



You can enhance your meditation routine by adding Hemisync Music while playing slot gacor in your mindfulness routine. For a smooth gaming experience, start by exploring a trusted daftar situs slot to find the top-rated online slot sites. Research showed that it can stimulate your brain quickly than other ways of meditating. A sense of positivity and stableness start appearing in your daily life. Factually, you will not feel any change in one hour or after many practices, but after one year, when you analyze your life, you will see that your life has changed drastically. Success and happiness are part of your present life. Also, there is free software available to generate your voice. Pre-programmed voices are already available for the users. Moreover, MP3 and CDs are available in the market that helps you synchronize your thoughts. Programs such as Holosync are available but they are too expensive.

All the features are also available in free sound software. However, some apps such as Aura customizes your mindfulness routine. It starts with only five minutes of exercise. Programs are created that helps you form a habit of meditating. The sessions are created according to your mood, how much time you use the app and related stuff.

3. Podcasts

Not to be missed, podcasts are a helpful way of effective meditation. Various podcasts are available on YouTube.

Before sleeping, listen to motivational podcasts. This will enlighten your mood. Research shows that if you sleep with a good mood and a positive vibe, you are ready for a happier and more productive tomorrow. This daily routine has helped many people rise from the state of depression. Micheal Sealey and The Anxiety Guy are a few channels that deliver amazing Podcasts. When I started my meditation journey, I downloaded many apps but mostly were paid so I switched to YouTube for daily meditation. Similarly, an interview with Dan Haris names as “The Skeptics Guide to meditation” is an amazing motivational concept revolving around meditation. This explains the life journey of Dan, a reporter, who felt a remarkable change in his life due to meditation.



Lastly, mindfulness does not limit to Yoga, walking meditation or eating mindfulness. For most people, it can vary. Some extroverts may feel that talking to others is keeping them in their present. Some may consider playing the guitar or taking pictures is a great way to live in your today. So, whatever keeps your mind, body, and soul in your present and enjoy it to fullest, is your way of meditating, keeps their past depression and future worries away. It is important to focus on the task that you are performing. Not only you will excel that task but also live a happier and healthier life.



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