April 30

A Quick Guide – Introvert Personality and Spirituality

The 21st century is known best for being influenced by the information superhighway. Everybody sees the media as a tool for measuring their moral uprightness; except introvert personality. The media also tell us what is cool, hot or dull. Introverts always tend to stay away from the crowd; even when the crowd is media engineered. This makes ‘am I a introvert’ a very interesting quiz all the time!

Spirituality has a million definitions. No one knows for sure the collective qualities required to term somebody as spiritual. What is, however obvious is that it the focal point is the human spirit and soul.

Why Introverts are more spiritual than Extroverts

People don’t consider spirituality as fun. It is, however, associated with the adjectives weird, freakish and monotonous. The world also describes introverts with those adjectives. They spend a lot of time alone and rarely follow the crowd. It is no wonder that introverts are deemed spiritual. Extroverts need the outside world for personal development and personal wellness. Whatever the media and external stimuli sell is worth buying for extroverts more times than not.

An introvert has elevated demand for solitude. Thinking entails more than just putting a few thoughts together. It involves meditating on an issue. It means picking something apart just to put it back together in a systematic fashion that makes sense. Being alone locks out all external stimuli. Spirituality entails searching for something more important than oneself. Finding it results in deep satisfaction, a sense of purpose and peacefulness. Meditating is an important part of the process.

An introvert will always choose understanding something over getting stimulated by it.  Introverts are hence more likely to be spiritual. An extrovert does the exact opposite. They’ll seek approval from external forces and draw pleasure, meaning, purpose and peace from them. An extrovert will cultivate personal development from these stimuli: they’ll barely take the time required for introspection. Spirituality hence seems foreign and tenuous to them.

Introverts are more empathetic than extroverts. An extrovert may be more concerned with how the other person views them. An introvert will observe someone, see their pain and understand that person. In cases where an extrovert is spiritual, they tend to talk about it to their peers. They will find contentment by finding someone who is spiritual too.

The disruptions in the train of thought and the stimuli for an introvert come from the same source: inside.  If a thought disrupts reflection, the disrupting thought serves to bring more sense to a notion.

Most introverts are artists. They see things others don’t. They analyze gospel truths and what people term as evidence of the existence or non-existence of something. Most introverts love philosophy, writing, and poetry.  Extroverts are more likely to believe in a proven system for doing things. While the introvert measures what people say against what they believe, an extrovert will listen and accept what is said.

Introverts can make more gains from searching inwards

Mahatma Gandhi said it is possible to shake the world gently. That statement makes more sense to introverts than any other personality types. An introvert will stay away from the limelight in the workplace but be very constructive. Introverts like Albert Einstein and Bill Gates caused a quiet revolution with their inventions. It is not uncommon for introverts to awe people with their completed projects.

A person cannot attain personal development without striking a balance between all spheres of our lives. As an introvert, deep thinking occurs naturally. Your concentration level is higher than that of most people. You can digest mountains of reports and get the significant bits out of it. The ability above allows you to be thorough. Concentrate more on thoroughness and detail to stay ahead of your peers.

Leadership is not a reservation for extroverts. The best leaders are strategists and possess excellent organizational skills. An introvert displays high organizational skills. As one, you can practice on how to speak when necessary. Write it down if you have to capture then what you have to say. Substance supersedes word count when it comes to leading. People above you will take notice. It is a plus for your personal development. Standing at the podium is not about the speech. You have to communicate effectively. You can’t fail at that when you’re a natural planner.

Time alone for an introvert is when they experience a whirlwind of ideas. Keep a record. It’s easier for an extrovert to remember because they associate the idea to an outside source. You are likely to get lost in the pool of ideas. Writing them down provides an evergreen source for you.

Blurting out things is an unusual behavior among introverts.  You can put the characteristic to better use by making it norm in every situation. To think before you speak is to avoid trouble. It will help you to approach situations in a level headed manner. You’ll gain respect from those around you.

Growth demands that we leave our comfort zone. Personal development is impossible to achieve without growth. You can choose instances where you behave like an extrovert. If small talk gets you a useful business card, you have more to gain. The same small talk could help you start a speech by getting the attention of a crowd. You can then hammer the facts and important points home once you have their full attention.

Relationship between Personal Wellness and Temperament

Skill-sets aren’t equal to personal attributes, but character traits influence career choices. Introverts believe that accepting their personal attributes is crucial in chasing a career they love. It makes a foundation for enjoying life.  Personal wellness is bound to being comfortable with your life. Spirituality, mental and physical health, relations with other people and way of life are core to achieving personal wellness. Each personality type handles these facets of personal wellness differently.

Achieving a healthy mind involves knowledge and application of methods, quirks, and beliefs that enable you to deal with stress in a healthy fashion. For an introvert, it may mean correctly differentiating between draining activities from energizing activities. Choosing to do something creative like drawing or poetry when you’re alone may be extremely helpful in handling stress. As an extrovert, brainstorming or looking for camaraderie could help you relieve stress.

Spirituality and love for other people go together. Avoiding small talk and the inability to be immediately friendly does not mean introverts hate people. They just love quietly. An extrovert’s love is loud.

Nutritious food, performing exercises and hygiene are the pillars of physical health. There aren’t any particular food or exercise types that befit introversion or extroversion. The same food groups are important to both personality types. The only difference is introverts eat and work out alone or with someone they trust. An extrovert won’t mind having group exercises or eating out with the whole HR department from their workplace.

Introverts detest social gatherings. They are not good at making lots of friends either. However, when they make friends, they are fiercely loyal and dependent. The Reader’s Digest also says that introverts listen intently. Extroverts make friends effortlessly and often have a long chain of friends. Whichever personality type you are, no man is an island. Human beings are social creatures.

Meaningful work brings pride to every person. Being introverted or extroverted determines tasks one is comfortable performing. Introverts use their right side of the mind more than they use the left one. Creativity is one of their strongest suits. They make good writers and artists. Hans Eysenck’s personality types theory stated that the real difference between introversion and extroversion is how the body and mind respond to stimuli. It takes a lot more to arouse the brain of an extrovert than it does an introvert. Extroverts find jobs that involve adventure and meeting new people fascinating. Both personality types need challenges in those environments to make the work more satisfying. It improves their personal wellness.

Spirituality helps us find things that challenge our knowledge of why we exist. Introverts are more responsive to spirituality. Their thought process is engineered to find answers from inside them. Extroverts seek answers in science and what other systems provide as true. Finding the answer to why a person exists help build beliefs, hence spirituality.

People have done cruel things just to climb a step higher on the social ladder. Finances and social status are intertwined. One’s personal development is also influenced by how much they can afford. Approval from others is vital to an extrovert.  Financial gains are therefore essential.  Introverts may be a little less interested in making money to get approval from others.

Sleep is like food. Both personality types need it in equal measure. It is essential for brain development and physical health. We replenish lost physical energy during sleep.


Every personality type possesses strengths and weaknesses. Cultivating your strengths will propel you forward. Sometimes, enduring an activity that is foreign to your temperament is the only way to gain something. Temporary endurance may be the reason you earn something you never thought you would.

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