June 30

How can I be a growth mindset person if I’m naturally a fixed mindset person?

Carol Dweck in her book Growth Mindset, established that there are two sorts of mindsets. “Everything is about the result with a fixed mindset.” It’s all for nothing if you fail or aren’t the greatest. And the definition of a growth mindset refers to the people with a growth mindset cherish what they do regardless of the result.”

It is possible to go from a fixed to a growth mindset. It requires time, effort, and careful practice, just like anything else. Individuals come to want to learn more than approbation as they go through the process. They prefer difficulties to a false feeling of achievement.

According to research, the brain may form new connections, strengthen existing ones, and increase the pace of pulse transmission. These findings imply that a person with a fixed mindset may gradually gain a development mindset. You may shift your mindset from a fixed to a progressive mindset, according to Dr. Carol Dweck.

How to Transform a Fixed Mindset to a Growth Mindset

A fixed mindset may influence how I approach work, ambitions, and aspirations, as well as my relationships with loved ones. When confronted with criticism and challenges, it might have a detrimental impact on my motivation. It may make me feel numb and uneasy about my skills, particularly when I start a new job.

I may begin to fine-tune my internal dialogue and approach life with a development mindset. Consider the following methods for shifting from a fixed to a growth mindset:

View Failure as Opportunities for Learning

I can begin by adjusting my attitude toward failure. Those with a development mindset are more interested in learning than in proving their qualities and talents.

When we approach failure with an educational component, we may ask ourselves beneficial questions such as, “What errors did I make so I don’t make them again?” and “What new ideas can I employ to get greater results?”

When I begin to perceive failure as a chance to develop and learn, I will begin to shift my attitude toward obstacles in a more positive direction.


I should take the time to appreciate who I am and all of my wonderful characteristics. When I start pouring love into myself and seeing myself through a lovely lens, I won’t take failure as proof that I’m not clever or skilled.

When I face obstacles, I have a desire for people to compliment me on what I have done right. We want incentives to affirm our self-worth, and when we get the contrary, it hurts us more than we anticipated.

However, when we emphasize learning and progress above approval, both our potential and success will expand. Life will unfold in unexpected ways that we could never have predicted.

Value the Process over the End Result

I should acknowledge that failure has already taken me to this point. I have previously failed several times to get you to this very point while reading this blog. I should take a breather before attempting to acquire new talent. Recognize that this is a chance for me to learn new talents or improve on those I currently have. I’ll fail, but that’s cool.

Every rejection and obstacle that causes me stress is a chance for me to learn and improve. Every time I fail, I learn and improve my attributes, talents, and intellect. With each sweep of work and time, I am becoming a stronger and more robust person.

Don’t Be Afraid to Fail

We are hardwired to fail and fail often, yet as we grow older, we begin to dread failure. Learning to walk as a youngster requires a lot of work and repeated failure.

Every time a youngster attempts to walk, they fail, but they persevere. When I hear a questioning voice in my head, I should listen to my inner kid and keep getting back up.

Foster a Sense of Purpose

I need to remind myself why I’m acquiring this new talent. “Do I like it?” you should ask yourself. Or am I finishing it in order to achieve a broader goal?

When I develop a feeling of purpose for a new assignment or opportunity, I am more inclined to consider the broader picture. Those with a growth mindset have a greater sense of purpose and persevere in the face of adversity.

The Bottom Line

If you’re questioning yourself or feeling fearful, it’s possible that you have a fixed mindset. And if that’s the case, I hope these suggestions may assist you in shifting your viewpoint toward a growth mindset with the help of growth mindset activities.

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